Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Territory

Trail Wood #72 Earl Plato
Ed Teale meandered along in his walk in April at Trail Wood. He wrote: “Farther in the woods as I am following the windings of Hampton Brook, a scrabbling sound above my head stops me. I look up and glimpse the whirling forms of two gray squirrels in a wild, twisting, leaping chase through the treetops. I follow them with my eyes until the vanquished disappears and the victor returns. “He who fight and runs away,’ says the jingle, “lives to fight another day.” But I suspect this is the tale told by those who have run away. It is the story the timid never tire of telling. The truth more likely is that he who fights and runs away lives to run away another day.”
Writer’s note: At the family farm where we lived five years there was continual warfare as gray squirrels from across the way tried to reach our nut trees. No way. Fiesty little red squirrels would meet the grays, a bigger squirrel and send them scurrying back home. The victors always while we were there - the little reds.

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