Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fly Agaric Mushroom

More Fungi by Earl Plato
I was told by former neighbour Ross Bearss to come and see some strange mushrooms. Down in his backfields under some pines were more than twenty Fly agarics. My photo taken a few years later were not at Marcy Woods but a few miles to the east. Just one Fly agaric this time. A pretty mushroom but poisonous - not only poisonous but hallucinogenic. There’s a story here. Tow summers ago wife Elaine and I travelled to the Viking ruins in Newfoundland. My grandmother and grandfather Anderson were Norwegian born. Researching I found this - “Fly agaric mushrooms were effectively used by the Vikings when they were entering battle. Eating some of the mushroom they were able to fight without fear/ The drug in the mushroom effectively turned off their fear emotions. They became known as “Berserkers!” Note: My grandparents were gentle people.
Why the name “Fly”? Somewhere I read that some people broke little pieces of the mushroom and placed them in a bowl of milk to attract flies. The result they say that the flies became inebriated from the drug and crashed into walls and died. Believe it?

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