Saturday, April 18, 2009

Looking for salamanders at Hampon Creek

A dozen times I lift some flat stones Trail Wood #83 Earl Plato

We will go soon to Shagbark Hickory Park. As we did last year three of my grandchildren and daughter Allison will be turning over rocks and stones. Last year we found seven dusty salamanders. Of course we replaced the flat stones in their former locations. That’s important for all nature lovers. In his April 18th log Edwin Teale shared a nature lesson with us.
“ Half a dozen times when I lift some flat stone from the wet ground beside the brook. Light flickers in little glints along the moist, gleaming body of a salamander, As each wriggles away, the protective coating of mucous secretion that covers it reflects what it has rarely if ever reflected before - the full glare of the sunshine. Each time I replace the rock carefully, remembering the admonition to amateur naturalists once printed in a conservation leaflet: “If you turn up any stones in your quest, put them back AS YOU FOUND THEM. To some creatures this is home.”

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