Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Peepers at Trail Wood

Vernal Pools 2 Earl Plato
So where did the vernal pool inhabitants go this winter? The Vernalis report says, “ Well, some flew south, some are taking a nap, and others are active all around us; even under the ice. You an be guaranteed that when the spring rains and warm sun return, so will the life that makes vernal pools seem so magic.”
What about vernal pools at Trail Wood?
Teale in a March log wrote: “ From the edge of the pond, as the dusk begins to deepen, rises the round, clear, musical call of he tiny frog, he spring peeper, hyla crucifer. First one, then another, then another. To me the spring peepers always sound like creatures of a dawn world, inhabitants of the earth in the first days of creation-so innocent, so round-eyed, so born yesterday. They give the impression of something tentative, frail and vulnerable. Theirs seems to be the voice of innocence, Not born yesterday-born today. Their bright calling- a kind of “Spring! Spring!”- will chant through the nights of the weeks ahead.”

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