Monday, March 9, 2009

More Wood Frogs, Eh!

Trail Wood #43 by Earl Plato

I have taped the calls of wood frogs, spring peepers, and chorus frogs almost every spring at Marcy Woods for many years. As we descended the hill to the pond amidst a great quacking of wood frogs. Then as the vibrations of our walking reached the frogs all went silent.
Old scenario. Stand still and wait. Minutes passed and then a quack, another and then a chorus. I taped this spring happening again. Ed Teale experienced the same at Trail Wood as recorded in his March 26th entry. Here is what he wrote:
“So vocal now the creatures (wood frogs) will remain almost entirely silent during the rest of the year. Coming just after their release from winter ibernation this is their great gala time, compressed into a few days amid the chill waters of this swampy pool. Then these wood frogs will disperse, They will scatter through out he woods, leaving behind thousands of eggs floating just below the surface of the water.”

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