Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nellie in deep water at the pond.

Trail Wood # 114 Earl Plato
Do you really know your spouse? Ed Teale in late May sees his wife, Nellie, do something unusual at their pond. We have stood there at the edge of the water. I can picture the scenario. Teale wrote:
“I have glanced down the hill toward the pond. What I see is the most incredible sight I have encountered at Trail Wood. Near Summerhouse Rock Nellie, fully clothed, is wading out into the deeper water of the pond. Already she is a dozen feet from the shore. There the water is week above her hips, For a moment I stare incredulously. Then I shout. Nellie looks up but continues her advance. I sprint down the slope. As I run I observe that she has a stick in one hand and reaching out as far as she can. She is pawing the surface of the water. When I am pounding along the path at the pond’s edge I catch sight of a black object floating on the surface just beyond the reach of her stick.”
What is Nellie after? Next: As a lover of nature Nellie Teale tries her best.

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