Thursday, February 26, 2009

Trail Wood More Memory Walks

More Memory Walks at Trail Wood #32 E.Plato

“After we have ascended Juniper Hill (see map) and stopped among the sprawling masses of the clumps to examine a haircap moss that so resembles tiny junipers that the German botanist Carl Ludwig Willenow long ago gave it the scientific name of juniperinum. How far will they be carried by the wind and water in the storms of spring, we sit on a fallen log in the woods beyond. Here we examine a cluster of Indian pipes, now dead and dry. The seed vessels are up thrust each suggesting a small sculptured urn balanced at the top of its stem. I break open one of these dry containers. Snuff, brown dust, the fine powder of the seeds, streams into my palm. What will be the fate of such particles, seemingly without number? How far will they be carried by the wind and water in the storms of the spring?
So we walk through this March day, as we have walked through days in the other months of the year, wondering about what e encounter.”

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