Sunday, February 22, 2009

Change Part 1

Trail Wood #26.02.09 by Earl Plato
Change is inevitable. I can hardly wait for winter to change into spring. Ed Teale in a March 16th log account wrote about change.
“We change and as we change our viewpoint alters. Nothing is ever the same again-not even the past. We see all in a different light.
I have been remembering as I have plodded trails slushy with melted snow under this somber sky and what I have remembered has had a somber cast. I remember the blue jay dying its lingering death from tongue worm, a time of dying that may drag month after month over a period of years. I recall the starling, the flesh torn from its back and neck by the sparrow hawk, pushing itself into the weeds to await its end. I see again the wasted body of the walking grackle as it spends its final hours in ceaseless activity. And the question of a lifetime returns with renewed force. Why should there be so much suffering in the world?”
PART TWO: Teale’s answer

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