Friday, February 27, 2009

Life at Trail Wood

Trail Wood #33.2.09 Earl Plato

Writer’s note: I stood in the little writing cabin of Edwin May Teale. It looked out over the Trail Wood pond. Fully screened in front Teale had a great view as he looked up from his writing. Teale loved “life -all life-large and tiny life….”
We walk through this day as we have walked through days in the other months of the year, wondering about what we encounter. How many times have we beguiled ourselves along these trails by speculating about such things as what it would be like a cicada maturing slowly underground or a spiderling ballooning through the sky on a thread of gossamer or a flying squirrel gliding from tree to tree in the twilight. How alien to us have seemed all those people who are interested in no another species except their own species. As for us it is always life-all life-large and tiny life, dull and brilliant-hued life, life as rooted as he lichen gardens, as intensely active as the hummimgbird that holds our interest and augments our enjoyment of the out-of-doors through all our successive years on this New England farm.”
Writer’s note: Edwin Teale and his wife Nellie were in love with nature. So evident, eh.

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