Friday, October 17, 2008

The Rail

On the Trail -Dube16.10 Earl Plato

On the Trail I was alone as I approached Six Mile creek that crosses under our Friendship Trail. I am always listening for birds and I heard chickadees, a crow and then an unusual loud call. It was in the wooded wetlands just north of our Trail. Loud and resonating from the woods I stopped to listen and looked and looked. No bird glasses with me again! I detected no movements. Again the loud “ticket” call. I knew what it was. At Mud lake with Blayne Farnan, Port Colborne naturalist, we heard and saw a Virginia Rail. I headed home and checked my Peterson CD. There was the call of the Virginia Rail. No doubt about it. I call it the “Ticket” bird. Why? If you hear the far carrying call - “ticket-ticket-ticket-ticket” near the Trail you have the Virginia Rail in Fort Erie. This rail is common but an elusive marsh bird. Blayne Farnan used a calling tape to attract the Virginia Rail and then played his flashlight on it. The bird prefers to escape intruders by running through protective marsh vegetation. If you’re lucky to see one - it’s a small rail with a long reddish bill. Its under part are rusty-brown with gray cheeks. Think small 9-11 inches in length. See one this fall on or near the Trail. Ride or walk the Trail before winter comes, eh.

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