Thursday, October 16, 2008


Bellhawks10.08 Earl Plato

The violent rainstorms of past did the hawk nest in on Michener Road. No remains of the Red-tails large nest. It was gone and so were our resident hawks. However, we saw a pair of them near Longmeadow farm on Michener Road this past month. Will they return in 2009?
Writer’s note: Red-tail hawks are our largest and most common Niagara hawk. It is in the genus, Buteo along with Red-shouldered, Broad-winged and my favourite, Swainson’s hawk. Like all hawks it has excellent eyesight. The Audubon bird book p.639 tells us, “... soars over the open country in search of its prey, but just as often perches in a tree at the edge of the meadow, watching for the slightest move in the grass below.” Right on. From Sodom road cutoff west on Q.E.W. toward Niagara Falls look to the trees on the north side. There should be hawks there on a regular basis. Where do you see the Red-tails?
I can see well again. What a difference an operation can do to improve one’s eyesight! I can see the tuft on the Tufted titmouse. Of course a good pair of bird binoculars help. Look for birds in the woods in our Friendship Trail at old Erie Beach. That’s a great walk for anyone. Again bicyclists warn walkers ahead of you that you’re coming. Close call for me last week 0n the Trail at Erie Beach. No warning as he whizzed by me!

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