Friday, June 19, 2009

A Special Breakfast

Trail Wood #123 Earl Plato
A special June Breakfast at Teale’s
“ a green bowl accompanies me down he slope to the edge of the pond this morning, I am off to gather wild food for our breakfast.
At Cattail Corner I halt beside a stand of the green sword leaves and upright stalks. At this season of the year each stalk supports two closely packed masses of flowers. The lower, the female flowers. resembling an elongated greenish-brown sausage comprises
the female flowers. The upper, now yellow with the pollen that will descend’ in a fertilizing shower over the pistil late blooms below, is formed of the male flowers. The familiar brown cattail heads of fall and winter with their thousands of densely packed seeds with silken filaments attached result from the fertilization taking place on theses June days.”
What’s with Ed Teale’s bowl and breakfast?

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