Friday, June 5, 2009

Realistic View of Nature?

Trail Wood #120 Earl Plato\
On a June 7th day at Trail Wood
Edwin Teale waxed philosophically about nature. Seated beside Hampton Brook he penned these words:
“ Yet even here the calm is transitory.
No lasting peace is anywhere on earth where life exists. Each living thing has its foes; Each creature lives a mortal life. Each nestling bird, each branch in a tree competes with its kind for food. For all, danger in many forms lies waiting, temporarily sleeping perhaps, but never gone entirely. The beauty we see in this time of bird song and flowers is the beauty of form and colour and sound. The spirit that extends through all nature is one of never ending competition. Of parasite and predator, of a shifting balance of power, of harmony achieved through discord. Everything alive, plant and animal, spends its days in a world at odds, surrounded by perils, competing each in its own way, in a realm of strife.”
Realistic view? I think so.

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