Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gosh! A Goshawk

Goshawk Earl Plato

The Northern Goshawk is back in Niagara. Not far from the Fort Erie Friendship Trail in Thunder Bay one was definitely sighted last week. Keith Bailey of Crescent Park reported the sighting. The Audubon guide states, “It has recently begun extending its range to the south.” That’s us! “It now breeds in small numbers in deciduous forests.
Déjà vu. Some years ago in the Fonthill area in a wooded area a seventy year old woman was struck on her neck by a huge hawk. She fell unconscious and suffered talon wounds on the neck. Later a twelve year old girl walking on a trail in the same forested area was similarly attacked by a hawk. She too suffered deep talon gouges in the back of her neck. What gives? Audubon again states, “…it (Northern goshawk) is fearless in defence of its nest and will boldly attack anyone who ventures too close!” This is December, 2008 no nesting here until spring time. Hopefully our goshawks will return more northerly where they came from.
Note: It is a heavy-bodied hawk larger than a crow; pale undersides. Up close it has conspicuous white eyebrows.

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