Friday, February 6, 2009

March 1st Trail Wood Pond

Trail Wood#12.09 Earl Plato

Trail Wood: Writer’s note: We stood in front of Edwin Teale’s rustic writing cabin. In front of us was his pond, a large pond, perhaps an acre or more. We return to Teale’s March 1st log. “ Standing beside the pond where the wind has swept away the powdery snow that drifted down in the night. We see the molds of dry leaves, some descending to a depth of two inches into the ice. Through the greater amount of heat absorbed by their darker forms they have melted their way downward. Once we observe the perfect mold of an oak leaf, another time that of a maple leaf. For a minute or two we are mystified by several perfectly round holes, looking as if hey had been bored into the ice with a brace and bit. We peer down into them. At the bottom of each lies the dark rondo pellet of a rabbit’s dropping.”
Thanks Edwin for your daily observations at Trail Wood.

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