Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Memories Earl Plato

Memories of past Father’s Days - I thought about two men who had a lasting influence on my life. My father, Perc, stands out as a caring father. As a quarantined eight year old who had just survived crippling polio I started sketching. I tried to draw a horse but not very well. My father took my pencil and quickly sketched a horse. It was perfect in my young mind. I replicated that drawing many times until I thought that I could compare it favourably with his. I have been sketching in nature ever since. His friend, Bert Miller, encouraged me to make a bird book with sketches of what I saw. Bert became a father-figure to me in the years of my youth that followed. This article is about Bert Miller.
Albert (Bert) Weatherstone Miller was born in 1882 on the old homestead at Miller’s Creek on the Niagara River. We had erected in his memory a small granite stone and a plaque near that site. It’s still there. Bert was one of God’s athletes. He kept himself in shape. Day after day following retirement from Horton Steel he would venture out into the natural environment. In all kinds of inclement weather he would visit nature locations in the Niagara peninsula. My father and I were fortunate to go with him on many occasions. This I know - Bert was not a self-seeking man. He loved nothing more than to share many of his finds and knowledge of our natural world. Bert needed to have his body in top shape for many of his excursions were not easy. He would scale cliff walls and enter caves in quest of some rare plant. He ate healthful food much of it naturally grown. As a child I remember his nutty snacks. Even his inevitable cookies were wholesome. As far as I know he didn’t smoke or drink alcohol. He was like an athlete in training - lean and supple - a tall man. At age 86 he travelled with my Grade 8 class to Point Abino. He was full of enthusiasm. He was continually observing things around him. He still possessed great endurance as we walked the Abino sand hills. He was an amazing man! Bert died at age 91. Year after year when many of us were too tired or full of apathy Bert, God’s natural athlete, kept on. Be thankful for your fathers both biologically or by relational choice. Love them. Happy Father‘s Day. Do some good act in memory of them. Planting a good tree is one way.

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