Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When Nature Calls

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Gone South
Gone South Earl Plato
To my traveling readers I often wonder what you see in nature when you head south or points west. Our neigbours, the Marchands, and others I know had headed again for Florida this past winter. I am always on the lookout for nature stories. This is my tenth year with the Review and I am still interested in writing about the great outdoors. Readers know that I am not a learned scientist but just a person who likes most aspects of nature. Following is an interesting nature scenario.
John Plyley of Stevensville had provided me with a series of unusual bird photos from his winter residence in Florida. I finally visited John at Ridgewood Manor the end of May where he is the seniors’ administrator. Armed with John’s photos we sat down to discuss the photos. Of course there was the anhinga, the “snake” bird. It had caught a large catfish. Normally these birds with the long serpentine-like neck throw the catch into the air and swallow it head first. Not this time. John snapped the poor anhinga trying to swallow the large fish on the grass in his front yard.
So what happened? The next photos show a large hawk take over. “Big buddy” moved in and the anhinga with his webbed feet were no match for this hawk. Armed with talons and a fierce beak he started eating the catfish. Thank you Mr. anhinga.
When John first gave me the photos when he returned from Florida I tried to decide what hawk species it was. I had one time thought that the bird was a Mississippi Kite. C’mon Plato! They are essentially insect eaters and on the fly too as they gobble down cicadas and other flying insects. My Audubon research book says that they occasionally eat lizards. This prey was a huge catfish. Rule out the kite.
I had forgotten my magnifying glass. That would have helped.
“It looks like a Red-tailed hawk.” I said. “Can’t be, they eat voles and mice in our area. Red-shouldered? Not in this area of Florida. With my Peterson Book I looked up the ranges of hawks. Guess what? Red-tails are in Florida all year around!
John said, “Earl, I’ll have the photo blown up.” He did and dropped the photo off. The term “morph” means different colours of the same species. Here was a light coloured Red-tail with a flecked breast. Then I went back to my huge Audubon Reference book. Listen to this. On page 484 in the Hawk section we read this about Red-tails. : “Feeding habits...Carp and catfishes caught at the edge of water.”
Now the list of what they catch and eat is a long list. Pardon me. If you have a friendly “buddy” like an anhinga you don’t have to catch you just have to eat.
Thanks John Plyley for the interesting photos.
I first visited Marcy’s Woods with the late naturalist, Bert Miller, as a ten year old. Years passed and back in the ‘80’s I again made regular visits to this Carolinian gem. I guess that I have made hundreds of trips to the woods. Today I take a Grade Three Class from Ridgeway Public. My brother, Ed, asked me about my last acle and the falling limb scenario. C’mon Plato did you actually have a branch fall down near you just off the trail? As I walk the Lower Trail I see places where trees and branches have fallen probably by the force from fierce winds. One Blue Beech, a large specimen, has been uprooted. Some large trees that have fallen over the trail have had to be cut and pulled off the path. Broken branches hang in various places on the sand ridges. Potential danger. Yes.
Come with me for a walk and I’ll show you some of these natural incidents. In fact I’ll show you the branch that just missed me!
Posted by Earl N Plato at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
old times
nature article Earl Plato
Yes, I admit that I am an old story teller. This past Saturday I helped to lead some members of the Niagara Frontier Botanical Society from New York State courtesy of our Bert Miller Nature Club in a walk through Marcy’s Woods. I had asked club director, Dr. Rick Stockton, to help me. Thanks Rick. The weather was perfect and only a few mosquitoes. I am an amateur naturalist so why am I leading? It was a privilege for I always learn something new. These people were very knowledgeable and if you know anything about botanists they are a delight to hear as they try to determine a special species. It was a slow deliberate walk with them and they had asked me to at least show the way along the Upper Trail first and then back along the Lower Trail. At one stop I took the time to tell one of my stories. Those who know me have heard it over the years.
My first car was a blue elderly Dodge sedan and one weekend Tom Behring and I headed out in it to Letchworth State Park. We were both old Boy Scouts and reasonably prepared for a good weekend. Tom was a good swimmer and with goggles and fins did portions of the Genesee River. I prepared something to eat. From an old Coleman Cooler I extracted some good Canadian bacon and in one of my mother’s old cast iron frying pan I fried some bacon. No, I didn’t soak some of the bacon juice with my bread as some of my relatives do. Tom arrived from his swim and appreciated my efforts. Later he made the comment, “Earl, there’s some scouring rush.” I took the greasy frying pan to the growth of scouring rushes and pulled some of these rushes. On the end of each stem was a mound of fine flour-like sandy dust. I recall scrubbing the pan and in a short time I had cleaned the pan and rinsed it in the shallow water of the fast flowing river Our late scoutmaster Ed Hayton had shown us the effective scouring power of Horsetails (Scouring Rush). Every time I lead a group in Marcy’s I tell that same story if I remember. It is a pleasant memory.
Books on the life of Ontario’s pioneers including “Roughing It In The Bush” by Susanah Moodie. refer to the “scouring rushes” were used to clean dirty dishes and particularly intransigent cooking pots.
These plants are members of the unique genus Equisetum hyemale. Its tough greenish stems possesses almost invisible rows of projecting silicon crystal - thus the name scouring rush. If you come with me I’ll demonstrate the cutting power of these crystals by rubbing a stem of this species gently against the flat of your fingernail and I may even tell you my old story.
Our botanists from Buffalo discussed how these plants reproduce. Too technical for me. A characteristic peculiar to these horsetails is their jointed “bamboo-like” stems. I usually, with a little effort, pull a section apart. We used to use a piece of stiff wire to open a section and you then would have a straw that lasted for quite sometime.
Later on in the season a fringe grows out from each stem section. Is this where the name “Horsetails” comes from? Marcy’s Woods has the greatest stand of these unique plants that I know of in the area. Bert Miller took me there as a lad over fifty years ago. Heaven forbid that developers move in and destroy Fort Erie’s natural heritage there. The gracious late Dr. George Marcy intended it for a Nature Reserve forever. Besides I want to keep telling my old story.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:30 PM 0 comments
nature article Earl Plato
What a beautiful bird. Ross and Gary Bearss called. They had found this bird. What was it? Earl would know. Not. I made some wild guesses but none seemed to fit. Gary brought the bird in a cage to me. It was quiet and seemed undisturbed. Gary took it in his hand so I could snap it. No problem.
I went to all my bird books and my Peterson computer Multimedia Guide. No luck but found out later it was there. Let me describe it.
Pigeon-size, it was a soft gray-brown colour. What I saw was a clean-cut black necklace. I said, “ Plover family?”. Ross pointed out, “But it has a red beak and red legs!” Its side were boldly barred with black rows. Wow! Gary spread out its rufous coloured tail. Its throat was lightly coloured. Truly a beautiful bird. It remained calm.
The Bearss left and I spent more time researching. No luck. Ross called later. It was a Chukar quail. It was an Asian species. Like our Chinese pheasant it was introduced as a game bird. But where? The Peterson Guide map show its range is in the American West and our British Columbia. How did the Chukar get here? Alberta Clipper? One thing I found out. It eats Russian olives and Ross Bearss has these trees at his Ridge home.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Nature Calls
Feed the Birds Earl Plato

I heard the rumbles. Feed English sparrows and starlings while our song birds go hungry! My brother, Ed , said a fellow church member of his remarked, “Tell that writer brother of yours that when the bluebirds return I’ll ship up all the sparrows and starlings he wants!” Plato, not much support for my feeding all the birds regardless of size, colour or denomination.
Defence. Remember where I was in the 1980’s. On the farm with lots of feed for all. Remember that if I didn’t feed the sparrows and starlings, where would they end up? - at your feeders in Ridgeway maybe even in Fort Erie!
Gone from South Kaobel Road is the old oak tree that once harboured Red-tails and countless Turkey vultures. It stood there for years all alone and now it’s gone. Question. Was it once the custom on farms in the area to plant a sapling in the year in which a family baby was born? Was it usually some large-growing tree, long-lived species that would stand out in the landscape such as an elm, oak or sugar maple?
Farmers out there do you recognize this tree planting custom? Call me at 894-2417 if you have a story to share.
Earth lesson? None better than scientist, Bob McDonald of C.B.C.’s Quirks and Quarks. 100 members and friends of the Bert Miller Nature Club were enthralled on December 18 at the Stevensville Conservation Club.
You think that Bob is great on radio you have to experience him in the flesh. He’s a ‘grabber.’ That is he gets your attention right from the start. How much fresh water on earth? Using two of our teenagers, Jessica Winger and Rob Eberly, and a full glass of fresh water, he dramatically showed how much fresh water is actually available. Jessica survived his continual order, “Take a drink, Jessica. Wait a second!”
Bob reminded us that we who live on the periphery of the Great lakes, live near the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. What are we doing to protect and preserve this vital source? Bob is extremely funny but he can be dead serious.
Bob McDonald is a space scientist and with the use of excellent slides he took us around the world, the moon, to Mars, Saturn and unique moons such as Europa. He discussed the effect of gravity and the fact that we really don’t know enough about the phenomenon.
He described a night in Tanzania and the disclosure of the heavens in that part of he world. He mesmerized you with this vivid experience that he had. Are we alone in the universe? The need to have the right criteria for life on this circular ball of stone, earth, is critical. He pointed out that so far the planets and moons are devoid of life.
Bob encourages young people especially “To get outside and experience reality. Think about this world!”
Winter time - clear nights. Dress warmly and step out and look up. Get acquainted with the starry heavens. Why not?
Posted by Earl N Plato at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Wood duck
Sad but True Earl Plato
\A beautiful, crested multicoloured small duck that
reappeared in Marcy Wood pond this spring. Ten years ago a pair nested at the pond area for three consecutive springs. This year just the strikingly male
Wood duck. At Stevensville Conservation Club wood duck boxes were placed near the creek. Hope was to attract a pair. Wood ducks have a habit of nesting in tree cavities. Marcy Woods has a lot of them. This enables tem to breed in areas lacking ground cover. The young leave the nest soon after hatching. I have been told that the parents eject the young unceremoniously. “Time to fly, kids!” Sadly t he Stevensville pond area six wood duckling swam after mother. I monitored the mother and young ones for a few weeks. You know the story. A large snapping turtle took all the little ones. I observed a snapper take one. Audubon Guide says, “Snapping turtles take a heavy toll of them.” I know.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:55 AM 0 comments
In Marcy Wood Pond 2008 a Wood duck

Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Skunk Cabbage

Posted by Earl N Plato at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Martin Time
Nature Calls Earl Plato

It was over fifty years ago that the late Fort Erie naturalist Bert Miller wrote only two words down in his daily log book- Skunk Cabbage. He recorded the location of it on Halloway bay Road and the early spring date. Rob Eberly, president of the Bert Miller Nature Club, has seen that we have saved Bert’s great volume of records. Bert taught me as a youth to keep nature logs and I have over the years. Two words that I recorded in one of my little books were- martins return. the date - April 17th, 1987. Almost to the day our twenty or so Purple martins would return each year to our two large martin houses at the family farm. Amazing. Were they the same migrating colonies each year? I don’t know. Some research tells me that the males arrive first followed within a day or two by the females. Why? It makes sense that the male martins check the sites out first. Purple plumaged? Not really. Look closely, The male is not purple but uniformly blue-black throughout. They appear black from a distance. They have a moderately forked tail. Females are gray to white below. Their upperparts are mixed blue and gray. No purple there either. The late Art Box in Fort Erie sold many a martin house in his day. Art’s structures were such that you could lower them to the ground. You clean out the many nesting sites and prepare it for the martins’ arrival. But, as often happened, English sparrows would take advantage of the empty nesting sections. Art would demonstrate with his martin houses. Lower the house again and clean out the sparrow nests. That usually was enough to discourage any further pirating of the martin house until their mid-April arrival. I love Purple martins. They make a twittering sound as they ready their nests. They catch insects on the fly. This was mosquito country and the avaricious martins did a good job of controlling them at the farm. Interested in bringing martins to your property? Read up the literature on the Internet. Buy a good martin house and hope that the scouts will check yours out. I was told that a pond or body of water must be nearby, Not so. We had no water right there on the farm and we had Purple martins each year. Check out the literature at the library too. Best of all ask someone who has been successful in attracting this delightful member of the swallow family.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
The Great Gray Problem A Few Years Ago
The Great Gray Nature Is Calling You Earl Plato

From Marcie Jacklin, one of the great ‘birders’ in our Bert Miller Nature Club I quote, “ Migration has taken a turn for the better after that wonderful last weekend.” I have said that I had seen at least 100 Turkey vultures at Beamer’s Point above Grimsby. Marcie reported via her e-mail the following: “ ... viewed hundreds of vultures soaring in from the southeast. They were everywhere, a count of 1400 for the day.” 1400! I am heading for Beamer’s Point again with daughter Diane this week. She’ll make sure that I count correctly. 100 shouldn’t be hard to beat, eh?
Readers of my articles may remember my Great Gray owl writeup. The Owl Foundation in Vineland, Ontario has been overwhelmed by the number of Great Gray Owls it has admitted this past year. They have received over 40 Great Grays far over the usual number. Some require immediate surgery and some are so badly injured that they are humanely put down. Others just need a safe place to recover. They will be assessed for their potential early or ultimate release. What a beautiful raptor it is. The Owl Foundation relies almost exclusively on private donations.
Kay McKeever, founder and president , would appreciate financial help with this unprecedented influx of Great Grays. Tax deductible contributions. Write to: The Owl Foundation. RR1 Vineland Station Ontario LOR 2EO View Website:
The Friendship Trail in Fort Erie is open again. Reports from frequent walkers such as Keith Bailey of Crescent park report seeing many birds and a Bald eagle. This could be the same eagle reported in the same area the past month. All three sightings were in the same general area.
Have the eagles finally landed? Tim Seburn of the Bert Miller Nature Club reported a pair of Bald eagles building a nest on the northeast corner of Navy Island. Elaine and I went to the Chippawa area and set up the bird scope. There appears to be a nest on the east side (facing New York State) of this uninhabited Canadian Island. We hope so. Have you seen any ‘Balds’ lately? Birds that is.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Point Abino Ontario
Nature is calling Earl Plato

It’s another great weather day on Monday in May at Point Abino. As a Federation of Ontario naturalist I enter through the gates and head for Brown Road. What a change in a week wild plant-wise.
Again I am solo. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy companionship but I am in a private setting. I pull off the end of the road and this time I take my bird glasses and my new walking stick. It’s after nine o’clock as I ramble westwards down the Bert Miller Nature Trail. As I go I remove small and large branches until I reach a large fallen ash. I sit down and listen. “Purdy, Purdy, Purdy.” Bird heaven. Ahead Dutchman’s breeches , wild leeks, trout lily. and bloodroot - all in blossom this day.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Trout Lily Point Abino

Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Lake George NY and snakes
Nature Calls Earl Plato

Is Lake George, New York State, the Queen of American Lakes ? I believe it is. The 32 mile long lake is fed by mammoth underground springs. It includes 108 miles of shoreline and about 300 islands. Now an island here could be a few square yards of rock peaking out on the surface. Or one we passed by on our steamship, Mohican, that was over a mile long. It was a state owned island with plenty of places to dock and camp for $17 a day. We were at Lake George for two days in late September. The last time we were headed there was September 11th, 2001! You know what happened then. We headed home pronto but with the desire to see this gem of a lake once again. This time in late September it was perfect weather. The deciduous trees were at about 40% of their full Fall foliage colour. Yes, there were some brilliant reds appearing in the maples. Alas, the amusement park with our old Crystal Beach Comet coaster ride was closed for the season. However, Lake George area is truly a “gem” in many ways.
As we passed slowly by the mile long state park island on Lake George the captain told us that campers there should wear high boots. Why? Timber rattlers exist there! Garter snakes galore and Red bellies too? I think so. I have walked and climbed the hills and mountains in the Adirondack region over the years, I have seen both Timber rattlesnakes and the Redbelly snakes. However, the last time I saw a Redbelly locally was on an upward path in our own Shorthills Provincial Park. Ernie Giles stopped Debbie and I. “Look there’s a Redbelly.” Only about a foot long it is a beautiful little snake. Ernie turned the snake over and there was a brick-red belly separated from the sides by small black spots. I had thought that it was just another Garter snake as its back was a dark brown. Not so. Ernie pointed to three yellow spots on its neck like a necklace. It had a white throat. Most attractive. Turn your garter snake over, eh. You may have a non-venomous Red belly! Ernie, the consummate naturalist, said, “Smell this, Earl.” It was a mild musky odour that Red bellies exude when threatened. Be curious in nature.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:00 PM 0 comments
They're Back!
Big Bird by Earl Plato

Think big. In that great little pocket of Carolinian Canada, Marcy Woods, pileated woodpeckers were seen and heard.
When? This second week in May, 2008. Have you ever heard the “Cuk-cuk-cuk-cuk” of this our largest woodpecker or its loud tapping sounds? “Rat-a-tat-tat-tat.”
I have taped their calls and drillings in Marcy Woods in past years. They love the Yellow birch as shown by the big cavities that they have chiselled out. See photo below. Yellow birch trees flourish here. Unlike our white paper birch the yellows live several decades more. Walk the Lower Trail and off to your north you will see these good sized trees with their buttery coloured curled back strips of bark.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 5:56 AM 0 comments
Pileated woodpecker Wendy Booth

Posted by Earl N Plato at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Marcy Pond

Posted by Earl N Plato at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Marcy Oh Marcy Woods
Nature Calls Earl Plato
We were away heading west to Lake Huron. No one told me about the Review article. C’mon Plato, that’s your excuse? Truly, I missed the piece about Marcy Woods. I assume friends thought I knew. In the article Mr. Dino DiCienzo Sr. is standing before the Marcy cabin. I recently received a copy of that September piece from a reader of my nature column. Review reporter, Corey Larocque, has a good write-up for many reasons. I now have hope. John Lessle, nature photographer from Buffalo, called the other day.
John is a wiry 86 year old. He asked, “Earl, how about chances of walking Marcy Woods this spring?” I told him that the new owners have ‘no trespassing signs’ at the Marcy farm. This is understandable.
However, good news from the new owners, the DiCienzos, for us nature lovers. Their mandate is that if visitors respect the Woods as nature lovers they are welcome there for hiking. No farm entry anymore but access through the regular entrance at the Kennels will be possible. That’s all I ask for John and me and other nature lovers. Thanks for the opportunity to visit an old friend, Marcy Woods, with an old American friend. The “Marcy Legacy” lives on. Thank you Mr. DiCienzo.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 5:25 PM 0 comments
I'm no beaver!

Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:57 PM 0 comments
I Don't Give a Dam.
This recent call from a Niagara Falls reader confirmed again that there are beavers on the loose in Niagara. “On the Welland River near the S.P.C.A. there are beavers felling trees.” Over the past several years we have had beavers sighted in rural east Port Colborne and at Point Abino in Fort Erie. Our national emblem is trying to reestablish itself again. This was great beaver country once and after the decimation of the Attiwandarons (Neutral) indians in the 1600’s our Niagara peninsula remained a great beaver hunting ground for the Seneca Iroquois, Thanks to Tim Tiner in his Wild Woods Guide for the following background on the beaver, builder of dams and fortunes. “Mad as a hatter!” What does that have to do with our beaver, Castor canadensis? Read on. Europeans came regularly to Canada for the cod but it was the beaver that beckoned them into our interior. With the European beaver becoming virtually extinct visiting vessels tapped into a luxury market in beaver pelts. Local natives were only too happy to trade for metal tools and implements. Europeans in the upper classes craved broad hats made of beaver pelts, BUT! Mercury was used to separate the fur from the longer guard hairs and to break it down to felt. Sadly the poisonous mercury caused mental deterioration among the ungloved hatmakers. The expression “mad as a hatter,” became associated with the beaver pelt industry. A sad price to pay for fashion. eh?
Eagles and more eagles. The American Bald eagle is attempting to return to Niagara. Rick Stockton, vice - president of the Bert Miller Nature Club, saw a pair out in Lake Erie off Thunder Bay recently. He also cited the fact that a pair were working on a nest on Strawberry Island. One was carrying a large branch to an old cormorant nest! I know where those old double crested cormorants nested. Let’s hope that they settle down on this tiny island just north of Fort Erie. This past Saturday I set up my bird scope on the river bank across from the island. Bob Summerville, local birder, pulled up behind us and we both looked for the birds and any signs of nest activities. No luck this day. If we are fortunate it will be the first eagles’ nest on this top end of the Niagara River since 1940. What a wonderful sight to behold. Keep birding.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:54 PM 0 comments
A small wee bird BUT
Bell- Hummingbird.08 Earl Plato

“Faster than a speeding bullet.” We are on our way to rural Wainfleet this late April day, 2008 to see our daughter, Son-in-law, and two grandsons AND the Ruby-throated hummingbirds.
The Stokes ask the question - “What is it about hummingbirds that we humans find so fascinating?” Each year at the O’Brien’s we watch these delightful little guys flit about the feeders. I believe that their tiny size is the main reason. The Ruby-throated weighs only a tenth of an ounce and measures 3 and ¾ inches ( 9 cm). As they hover near the feeder you see their sparkling jewel-like plumage.
Grandson Lucas netted one trapped in the garage. It was flying into the walls trying to escape. “So small, grandpa. It played dead but when I opened the net it flew away.” I enjoy watching the antics of these miniscule songbirds.
Watch the hummingbirds that come to your yard. Wife, Elaine, is buying a hummingbird feeder for our back deck. There is still much to be learned about their behaviour. What are the patterns about their relations between male and female, adults of he same sex, and adults and young? Hummingbirds are very aggressive around their food sources. Wild times at the O’Brien feeders, I know. You will see much chasing and displaying, sometimes even directed at humans! The Ruby-throated hummingbird nest is the size of a thimble. Amazing world we live in, eh.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:31 PM 0 comments
A small wee bird BUT
Bell- Hummingbird.08 Earl Plato

“Faster than a speeding bullet.” We are on our way to rural Wainfleet this late April day, 2008 to see our daughter, Son-in-law, and two grandsons AND the Ruby-throated hummingbirds.
The Stokes ask the question - “What is it about hummingbirds that we humans find so fascinating?” Each year at the O’Brien’s we watch these delightful little guys flit about the feeders. I believe that their tiny size is the main reason. The Ruby-throated weighs only a tenth of an ounce and measures 3 and ¾ inches ( 9 cm). As they hover near the feeder you see their sparkling jewel-like plumage.
Grandson Lucas netted one trapped in the garage. It was flying into the walls trying to escape. “So small, grandpa. It played dead but when I opened the net it flew away.” I enjoy watching the antics of these miniscule songbirds.
Watch the hummingbirds that come to your yard. Wife, Elaine, is buying a hummingbird feeder for our back deck. There is still much to be learned about their behaviour. What are the patterns about their relations between male and female, adults of he same sex, and adults and young? Hummingbirds are very aggressive around their food sources. Wild times at the O’Brien feeders, I know. You will see much chasing and displaying, sometimes even directed at humans! The Ruby-throated hummingbird nest is the size of a thimble. Amazing world we live in, eh.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Sharpshinned Hawk

Posted by Earl N Plato at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Go For It!
Bell 11.08 Earl Plato\

A Retiree Goes to Hawk Mountain

When retirement comes you should have a plan for enjoying each day the Lord has given you. I know enjoyment comes in many forms. Some retired people I know find joys some days visiting the sick in their homes or hospitals. That’s great. Some play a round of golf with their friends. Many retirees I know just like to take a good walk. Be active. Be useful while you can.
I was on a hawk watch. I planned to visit famous Hawk Mountain in north eastern Pennsylvania. This raptor sanctuary is both remote but accessible. We drove a divided highway most of the way. We drove in rain and arrived in rain. My computer oriented weather forecast had let me down. Torrential downpour. The weather was lousy, with waves of torrential rain pelting Hawk Mountain. Take it easy. There’s always tomorrow. We headed to Reading for the night. It was about twenty miles south. We came back to the sanctuary next day as the sun burst through. We had come all this way to see hawks. We went to the outdoor theatre where two park rangers gave us a hawk and owl lessons. They had two permanently damaged birds. The first was a nine year old red-tiled hawk The second was a Great horned owl. All of us asked many questions of the two knowledgeable rangers. It was a worthwhile experience. Then the rains came again, Head for the center, eh. The center had various dioramas and well presented. Both Ed and I bought Hawk mountain caps, We paid our $3.00 for the climb. The monies were used to run the sanctuary/\Note: Years ago Hawk Mountain was a place where target shooters would come in the fall to kill thousands and thousands of migrating hawks. It was a wanton slaughter! Not now. The land is posted and well-guarded by the park rangers We didn’t minding paying the fee. Yes three of us had good climbing boots. I had my Shenandoah walking staff , however, this time because of the slippery rocks it as more of a detriment. Most of the people we met on the arduous climb were hawk watcher enthusiasts. We read the trail markers. I decided to take the short trail to the North Lookout. Mistake! It was a bad move. Huge twenty foot high boulders confronted us. The next half hour was spent climbing this tortuous path. Finally we reached the other side. Here the trail was much easier. We rested. It was misty and visibility poor. There were about ten of us gathered there on the top of Hawk Mountain. Poor day we saw and heard a pair of sharp-shinned hawks. That was it. The rains returned and we headed for the woods and the downward path. A great place but with terrible weather for we three Canadians.
Lesson learned. Call or e-mail ahead to determine good weather times. Elaine and I are planning a return in the Fall of 08.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tough Guys Mute Swans in Fort Erie?
Bad Guys in Fort Erie? By Earl Plato
The photo below shows two beautiful swans. Right?
Looks can be deceiving. Look closely at the swans. See the prominent black knob at the base of the orange bill. You have mute swans. These guys were introduced from Europe. When? I don’t know. These guys are tough when it comes to nesting. Beware of Cygnus color when they are breeding. A pair will defend the nest and young against all comers. Case in point. A pair of breeding mallard try to establish a nesting site by mutes. No way. The inoffensive mallards are driven harshly away. Humans too look out. They can use their powerful wings and strong bills to inflict some damage. I have been struck by the wings of domestic geese. It hurts. Mute swans have a much powerful hitting force. Mute swans are extremely handsome birds I admit, however, their less than friendly social skills are not admired. Marcy Jacklin, bird expert from Brock University tells us that Fot Erie has been lucky. Trumpeter and Tundra swans are welcome on our waters. We have been blessed with large numbers these past years. Thankfully only a few mute swans. Look again at the photo, eh.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:58 AM 0 comments
Mute Swans photo by Donna Duplax

Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Bell17.08 Gingko by Earl Plato
It’s good to have friends contact you by e-mail or by snail mail. Cynthia Skinner is one of those friends who supplies me with newspaper nature articles. Cynthia works the winter in Arkansas as a nurse. Soon she will return to her Sherkston, Ontario home. I will meet her at the next Bert Miller Nature Club meeting and thank her. One of her articles clipped from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette caught my eye. It was about that primitive Ginkgo tree. I had viewed this unique tree at Longwood Gardens near Philadelphia, PA. It was a huge tree well over 100 years old. On returning home I was told about the Gingko tree east of the parking lot at the historic MacFarlane House on the Niagara Parkway. I know the tree and its unusual leaf, This is the tree of the dinosaur age. (Ginkgo biloba) has few close elatives. We are told that they are deciduous that grow to 100 feet or more. Gingko trees in China are reported to be several centuries old! I have a pressed ginkgo leaf. It is a triangular, fan-shaped leaf with prominent veins running the length of the leaf. You know I like the colour yellow in nature. Visit he MacFarlane house this fall. Want a striking fall colour effect? The gingko leaves turn to a beautiful golden yellow.
Note: The fleshy yellow fruit produced on female ginkgo trees are stinky. Naturalist friend Ernie said they are reminiscent of fresh “dog poop.” However, each fruit produces a big (supposedly) edible seed.
Gingko trees - look for them in Niagara.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Good Sense, eh!
Senses Earl Plato

My smelling sense is okay. For me it’s eyesight. I need to be with some one who has good eyesight. They sight the bird and then I have a little time to focus on it. We have the Hooded warbler on the Upper Trail at Marcy Woods. My hearing is good and I have taped the call of the Hooded warbler. It’s a loud song that’s whistled - “weeta-wee-tee-o” Listen for a metallic “Chink, chink” too as it forages. I am trying to see it this weekend. Do you have good eyesight? It has a black hood and bib and a bright yellow face. I hope to see one but I may need help.
Rediscovered in 2006! Thanks to the University of Guelph Field Naturalists at Marcy Woods this past Saturday. We had just met owner Dino Di Cienzo who greeted us on the Lower Trail. As we walked along I told Kevin Butt, the Guelph botanist, about the Wild Ginger plant. When I was ten or so my father and I went with naturalist Bert Miller to Niagara Glen. Bert had a plan for the Woods. He removed a number of these plants. That same day we went to Abino Woods ( it was known then as Marcy Woods) and transplanted them around a large maple tree on the Lower Trail east of the cabin. There they grew for years. Lift up the heart-shaped leaves of this low lying plant and find a curious purple-brown flower. Since I have returned to Marcy Woods I couldn’t find the Wild Ginger. Thanks to Peter Foebel, a past President of the Bert Miller Nature Club, who told me recently, “Earl, they’re still there near the stump.” We stood at the huge overturned maple stump when Kevin of Guelph Field naturalists called to me. “Here they are at the back of the stump!” One of the lady naturalists found some others of them while walking up to the cabin. It’s too early for the flowers yet but a great rediscovery for plant lovers of the Woods. Be excited about nature offerings.
Writer’s note: The root has a strong ginger-like odour. Don’t dig up this rare plant or an plant on this private protected property! In the old days the late Fort Erie naturalist Bert Miller told us that when the root was cooked with brown sugar it was used by the early settlers as a confectionary. By itself it could be used as a substitute for ginger. Ginger bread cookies comes to mind. How are your taste buds?
Note: Rob Eberly, Ridgeway naturalist, has a fine growth of Wild Ginger growing at his place, Very Impressive.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Marcy Beach winter time

Posted by Earl N Plato at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Marcy Beach

Posted by Earl N Plato at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Marcy Beach 2008
The scene above is that of the shoreline of the Marcy Woods property. The photo is deceiving. Why? The absence of trees. Dr. George Marcy and friends planted more than 10,000 trees over the years. While other beach landowners paid thousands to build rock barriers the good doctor did it naturally. Visit the property today in 2008 and see a wide, beautiful beach. East and west from the property you see narrow beaches in front of the huge stone man made walls. Thank you Dr. Marcy.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 1:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The 'Rock"
Newfoundland 2006 Earl Plato
Fraser Churchill born and aised in Newfondland was glad that my wife, Elaine, made it to the “Rock.” “When are you going back? He asked recently this may. Here’s an article I wrote for he Niagara Falls Rev1ew last year.
We were told that there were no snakes or skunks in Newfoundland. During our ten days in Newfoundland we saw no road kill. Yes, they have raccoons and squirrels. We saw twelve moose mainly on the west side of the province. Most of these giant animals were in the wetlands. We saw a few near the only highway in the area. There were signs to warn us of moose crossing areas. Our big Denure tour bus meeting a bull moose circa 2,000 lb. would be quite a collision. At Twillingate in the north at the local lighthouse point we saw several Humpback whales as they jetted their sprays into the air. These are huge mammals as I found out later. At Grand Falls we visited the giant salmon ladder. The Atlantic salmon are raised there and when large enough climb the man-made ladder to reach the upper reaches of the Exploits River where they spawn. You can see these fish up close through a glassed in area. Salmon and cod were on the menu all over the island. Excellent eating. On to St. John’s where I went on a whale watching hunt on a catamaran. All ready cancelled the day before because of stormy weather we braved the elements the next day. After all we had come this far to see whales up close. I normally can take care of boat motion, however, I took a Gravol and it worked. Several people were seasick as the boat plunged into the rolling waves. Then a mother Humpback and her young came into sight. A marvellous view as they dove and emerged. The mother whale blowing her jet of water. Four dolphins passed by us as we headed for Puffin island. Hundreds of Kittiwakes and thousands of Puffins were seen and smelled. The ammonia from their droppings assailed our nostrils as we neared the cliffs. Countless nesting holes on the cliff side held these colourful Puffins called “Sea parrots.” A rare sighting of a Northern Phalarope was shown to me by one of the boatmen. As I viewed it with my binoculars he said, “That’s a female phalarope. They’re the colourful one. Brighter than the male. He’s the one who incubates the eggs,” as he chuckled. Was he kidding me? Not so. Check it out. The “Rock” is a great place to visit. However, we saw only one lonely iceberg. Plenty of flora and fauna though.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mr. "Eagle" man Bob Chambers
Bell18.08 Earl Plato

He’s gone. Mr. ‘Eagle’ is gone. Bob Chambers passed away
suddenly in May, 2008. Gone is a man who knew the presence of the Bald eagle locally as well as anyone I knew. Whether it be eagles on Navy Island or an eerie on the Grand River near Dunnville Bob would investigate their presence. Even after being confined to a wheelchair he used the internet to keep informed. Many of us in the Bert Miller Nature Club will miss him. He was an amazing man. Bob would dedicate himself completely to a project. Bob was intimately involved in the Peregrine falcon Watch at Niagara Falls a few years ago. He spent countless hours there. A very good photographer he gave me some great shots of the parents and young of the resident falcons.
Lesson learned. If you or I suffer some debilitating illness take stock from Bob. With good wife Emma he was able to carry on a productive life. You were always greeted with a warm welcome from him. The big man was ever learning about nature. He designed the Bert Miller Club badge with the Palliated woodpecker drawn by him. This beautiful bird was sighted back in Marcy Woods this spring. I wanted to call Bob with the news. Sadly too late. His pastor at his funeral gave a wonderful overview of his life. One great man, Bob Chambers, and we will miss him.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 11:15 AM 0 comments

Posted by Earl N Plato at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
American Toad Amour

Posted by Earl N Plato at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Toads and More Toads
Toads and More Toads Bell20.08 by Earl Plato

Amphibian Voice spring newsletter has a little article I would like to share. It is by Donna Speers. It evokes memories of our local vernal ponds next to the C.N.R. tracks just off Garrison Road. I reproduce just part of the story.
Mr. and Mrs. Toad swam around our pond and decided it would be a suitable place to live. They produced a never-ending string of eggs that draped over the stones, amonst the potted bulrushes and around the entire pond. Then Mrs. Toad, having done her part, hopped up the cedar ramp and into the garden with Mr. Toad still clinging tightly. He was about half her size. Mr. Toad returned to the pond alone and with the other male songsters began to sing. Their chorus rang throughout the neighbourhood and they sang us to sleep each night. They were comical to watch. If one of the males plopped into the water another would jump on its back to mate thinking it was a new female entering the pond. The male on the bottom would emit a release call. The two males quickly separated and headed in opposite directions. They would also jostle for the best spot on the log. There they would belt out one song after another to no avail as the one and only female had already left the yard.
Within days of the males leaving the pond was black with wiggling tadpoles. Over the next two weeks the tadpoles began to transform. It seemed that in no time they had developed their back legs shortly followed by their front legs. Soon there were tiny toads measuring about half an inch in lenght hopping everywhere, To me they were a miracle. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be that small with nothing to guide you but your instincts. Remember possible dangers were lurking at every hop.
Thanks Donna for conjuring up some vivid memories.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sparrow hawk - Kestrel falcon

Posted by Earl N Plato at 3:09 PM 0 comments
The Kestrel Falcon
Bell19.08 by Earl Plato

J inherited an old Peterson Field Guide. The Sparrow hawk was given the name American kestrel by Roger Tory Peterson. So this little article is about one of my favourite falcons, the kestrel. Gerry Rising, nature writer for the Buffalo News, shared the following this past Sunday. “The kestrel is indeed a tiny hawk. It is even smaller than a robin’s ten inches.” On the way to Welland from Ridgeway I see the kestrels perched on telephone lines on South Kaobel road. Rising says that the way they perch that you can mistake them for mourning doves. See one up close and you can’t miss their beauty. Both males and females are very attractive. They both have bright rufous backs and tails. Both have boldly patterned heads. There are vertical gray lines on each side of the eyes. Kestrels hover 30 to 40 feet high over an open field looking for its prey in the grass. As a falcon it is designed for fast flight. Unlike accipiters such as the Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks their wings are sharply pointed. All falcons dash about in a great hurry. Accipiters usually flap and glide. Remember the kestrel’s former name? As a carnivore its diet in spring and summer are grasshoppers, dragonflies, lizards, mice and voles. In late fall and winter they will feed on small mammals and yes, mostly sparrows. A pair of kestrels communicate with high pitched screams of “killy-killy-killy”. I am told that it is similar to killdeer calls. Look for this great little bird this year. Think small, eh.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 3:05 PM 0 comments
The Eagle Man
Bell18.08 Earl Plato

He’s gone. Mr. ‘Eagle’ is gone. Bob Chambers passed away
Suddenly at his home in May, 2008. Gone is a man who knew the presence of the Bald eagle locally as well as anyone I know. Whether it be eagles on Navy Island or an eerie on the Grand River near Dunnville Bob would investigate their presence. Even after being confined to a wheelchair he used the internet to keep informed. Many of us in the Bert Miller Nature Club will miss him. He was an amazing man. Bob would dedicate himself completely to a project. Bob was intimately involved in the Peregrine falcon Watch at Niagara Falls a few years ago. He spent countless hours there. A very good photographer he gave me some great shots of the parents and young of the resident falcons.
Lesson learned. If you or I suffer some debilitating illness take stock from Bob. With good wife Emma he was able to carry on a productive life. You were always greeted with a warm welcome from him. The big man was ever learning about nature. He designed the Bert Miller Club badge with the Palliated woodpecker drawn by him. This beautiful bird was sighted back in Marcy Woods this spring. I wanted to call Bob with the news. Sadly too late. His pastor at his funeral gave a wonderful overview of his life. One great man, Bob Chambers, and we will miss him.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Dells
Lost Canyon - Wisconsin Dells Earl Plato
The two percherons were a great team as we emerged from Lost Canyon at the Dells in Wisconsin. Our driver was David a veteran of eight years who was very knowledgeable. He knew the history of this unique place. He said that each layer of strata took up to a thousand years to form. Countless layers towered on either side as we wended our way through narrow passageways. Eastern hemlock appeared to be the main coniferous trees. We saw various large ferns such as the Common and Sensitive and a few towering Ostrich ferns. I asked David, “ Any Maidenhairs?” He smiled and said, “Just around the corner.” There they were. This was fern heaven for those who like ferns as there were many more to see. Cool and pleasant in the canyons on the July summer day of 2007.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 7:09 AM 0 comments
Gold Thread
What a joy to be back in Marcy Woods this spring of 2008. Some years ago daughter ,
Allison Kells rediscovered the little plant , Goldthread. Great naturalist, Ernie Giles, had shown it to me near the beginning of the Marcy Woods trails. Gently he parted the lower area of the plant revealing a golden threaded stem. 24 carat? Guess what? Allison rediscovered again the Goldthread this spring in the same area we
had first seen it. It’s a member of he Buttercup family. Ernie shared the following back then: - the natives and early colonists chewed the golden stem/root to relieve mouth sores hence the name Canker-root. Look it up. Enjoy nature this spring.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Gone Forever

Posted by Earl N Plato at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Witch's Broom Again, eh
Witch’s Broom Earl Plato

My wife and I saw the movie ‘Harry Potter.’ Did you see enough broomsticks to last your life? This article is about a natural anomaly. It is called the ‘Witch’s Broom’ and it lives in the Ridgeway and vicinity. Former area naturalist and scientist Ernie Giles, first introduced me to the ‘Witch’s Broom.’ Guess where? At the entrance of the Lower Trail at Marcy Woods there is a tall hemlock on your left. Look up high and you will see a large sphere shaped growth. It’s not a natural growth but an anomaly. Ernie the scientist said something like this. “ A Witch’s Broom is a crowded mass of abnormal branching.” What we had there up in the hemlock were dwarfed little hemlocks. Ernie said that the Japanese cultivate miniature trees through a botanical art called Bonsai. What we had here was an unnatural occurrence.
I have walked this same route in Marcy Woods countless times. I always look up at the Witch’s Broom. Those who have accompanied me know I usually never fail to mention the anomaly. Nature is interesting.
What brings about these thick, lush rapidly growing formations on hemlocks, pines and other evergreens? A Buffalo botanist once told us at the site that there are different theories as to the source of Witch’s Broom. He felt that a virus disturbs the hormonal balance in an elongating bud. The virus stunts the buds growth and generates many lateral (side) branches. The Marcy hemlock holds this dense clump of growth. My photos of the Marcy site didn’t show the “broom” too well.
Bad news. In late April, 2008 the Eastern Hemlock containing the Marcy Woods Witch’s broom was cut down by the local Canadian
Niagara Power Company. New poles needed our tree was in the way.
Sad. The tree was over 100 years. We counted the annular rings of the stump.
Rob Eberly, local naturalist, took me to the Thunder bay site of a Witch’s Broom. Rob travels the area through his work and is on the lookout for these anomalies. Go to the Internet for further knowledge. I typed in ‘Witch’s Broom Virus.’ In a scientific dissertation we read that infectious forms of Witch’s Broom is caused by a virus. Enough said. Look up WAU Abstract no.219
Posted by Earl N Plato at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Yank! Yank!
Nature Sketch by Earl Plato

Red-breasted nuthatch
White versus red! On the Sherkston farm we were visited regularly by the White-breasted Nuthatches. They are delightful birds to watch as they travel up and head down the pine trunks. They land on the suet ball and have a feed. Chickadees are usually around too. Not a bad combination to have at your feeder. Open your door and you hear the “Hank! Hank! Hank! of the nuthatches and the “Chick-adee-dee of the chickadees. However, this little piece is about another nuthatch, the Red-breasted.
I can truthfully say that my sketch was posed for time after time the bird came to the suet feeder. The owner had taken a dead branch of a maple and fastened it to the house. He used it as a perching place. There was the bird just on the other side of the patio glass. I drew and I was able to complete the sketch in a short time.
Where was I? I was at Emmaus House on the southwest shores of the Lake of Bays nestled in a pine forest. The House is an Anglican sanctuary for the tired and ill. It’s a beautiful concept that the church supports and we enjoyed our restful week there as guests of a friend.
We slid the patio door back one afternoon and heard and now an almost familiar call. “Yank! Yank! Yank!” The Red-breasted seemed to be scolding us. ( Is that an American “Yank?” ) I say its call is a little higher pitched than his southern neighbour. This spring of 2008 keep watching out for our songbirds. It’s a great hobby.
Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Out of action for a while
Did I see the Grand Canyon with three of my daughters
And a son-in-law back in April? No! I ended in a Las Vegas
hospital that first night with double pneumonia. No canyon
But my good Canadian insurance coverage had me flown home
By private jet. Nurses at Sunrise Medical Center were great.
Feeling fine now. Trilliums at marcy Woods are blossoming.
Great sight. Earl Plato May 4, 2008
Posted by Earl N Plato at 4:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
It Otter Be
nature article Earl Plato

This reprint is one a few winters ago that embarassed me. A good lesson in nature is “Don’t assume you know it all.”
“There are two people in nature I hold in the highest regard. One is the late Bert Miller and the other is Ernie Giles formerly of Fort Erie but now from the Lake of Bays. Ernie called the other day. Could they stop in for a while. “You and Marlene come for lunch.” They did. I could show them Stepanie’s photos of the otter. I did. Otter? They both said, “That’s not an otter, Earl.” They proceeded to show me why. It’s a wild MINK! “ But Stephanie, who lives on the Niagara Boulevard, said that it was so playful like an otter. She was able to approach it Can you get that close to a wild mink? Yes, was the answer. I remembered that I had an Audubon Mammal book. We looked up River otter and mink. There was the proof. The mink is much smaller. The shape of the head was conclusive as we looked at the photos. Marlene and Ernie just looked at me as if to say, “Earl, give it up.”
As Ernie and Marlene left after a good lunch and fellowship the electricians arrived. Just as the two men were to leave I said to the one, “What do you think this is? “ Looks like mink. I’m from Port Severn my mother lives in Honey Harbour. She has wild mink there. They play around just like otters. The otters are much larger than this guy.”
Any one see a River otter on the Niagara, give me a ***
Posted by Earl N Plato at 6:06 PM 0 comments
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About Me
Earl N Plato
I am a long time writer of nature and local history for area newspapers. This is my attempt to share some of my love of Fort Erie and the Niagara Peninsula and its history.
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