Monday, June 8, 2009

Take Care mankind

Trail Wood #122 Earl Plato
Teale applied natural laws to mankind
In his June log. We read:
“ We are on earth under certain conditions. We adjust to those conditions to survive. To live is to be in peril. It is up to the individual to be alert, to avoid injury and death, to survive as long as one can. Nature looks on without concern . If you step on a rotten branch or fall out of a tree and break your neck. If you walk out on thin ice break through and drown; if you eat poison mushrooms and die - just as nature displays no interest in the mouse caught by a weasel, the rabbit surprised by the fox, or the bird that falls into the talons of a hawk. It is up to us - to all living things - to man and mouse and rabbit and bird to be on guard.”
That’s the message. Take care, eh.

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